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Learn How to Incorporate Lasers in Your Manufacturing Operation

The Industrial Laser Conference is sponsored by the Laser Institute of America.


The Laser Institute of America is sponsoring the Industrial Laser Conference, a series of presentations designed to teach manufacturers how to incorporate lasers into their additive manufacturing, cutting, welding and marking operations, among other applications. The presentations address how manufacturers can use lasers to increase profits and efficiency. According to the Laser Institute of America, the presentations can benefit production specialists, production managers, manufacturing specialists, manufacturing engineers, automation engineers, design engineers, equipment engineers and a variety of other specialists.

The conference begins with a welcome session at 9:30 a.m. in the West Building, Room W190. A keynote presentation from Marshall Jones of GE Global Research follows. Other presentations are led by representatives from Stripmatic Products Inc., Preco Inc., LTC Holdings, Lasers-at-Work Consulting, FANUC America, Penn State University and other organizations. 

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