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An NTMA Opportunity That Pays off in Various Ways

The National Tooling and Machining Association’s fall conference is coming up, and the association is offering our readers an enticing deal to attend.


Leaders-In background

This year, I spoke at three National Tooling and Machining Association (NTMA) regional events about trends spotted in our annual Top Shops benchmarking survey. These events also enabled attendees to network with each other through individual and roundtable discussions. That said, NTMA’s fall conference that runs October 24-27 in San Antonio, Texas, offers an even bigger venue to network with peers as well as take in various business and technology tracks, sessions and discussions.

In fact, the NTMA is extending an opportunity specifically to Modern Machine Shop readers. The association will credit the cost of your conference registration and apply it toward your 2017-2018 NTMA membership dues. In some cases, especially for small shops, this can result in free membership for the year. The first step is to visit this page and use the code NTMAMMS2017 when you register for your membership, and then the NTMA will take care of your conference registration.

Here is a brochure that includes details about the conference sessions, speakers and more. The conference takes place at San Antonio’s Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort and Spa.

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