OASIS Inspection Systems

Hoping to Streamline Your Search for new Machines?

This form shows the key attributes you can select when searching machine specs using Techspex.


This form shows the key attributes you can select when searching machine specs using Techspex.

We’ve recently integrated Techspex into MMS Online. In this column, I explain just what Techspex is all about and how it can help speed your search for new machining equipment. Also, it’s free for shops to use, which is always nice.

In short, Techspex is a huge, yet easily searchable, database of new machine tool model specs. The image below shows the different attributes you can choose to narrow your search for machine tool specs. It’s an example of the milling machine model search window, where you can enter values for power, torque, table size, spindle speed, number of spindles and so on.

Techspex links are found throughout MMS Online, but you can also go directly to techspex.com to learn more about this helpful utility. Even better, why not stop by our booth at IMTS and talk with Techspex founder and owner Nick Bloom, who can answer any questions you might have.

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