Modern Machine Shop's Top 10 Articles of 2024
Reflect on 2024 with us as we take at the most-viewed articles published this year.
10. U.S. Navy Invests Heavily in Shoring Up Manufacturing Base
As part of its commitment to replace its aging submarine fleet, the U.S. Navy is investing heavily in building America’s manufacturing base, including free education and assisting suppliers in modernizing their facilities.
8. Orthopedic Event Discusses Manufacturing Strategies
At the seminar, representatives from multiple companies discussed strategies for making orthopedic devices accurately and efficiently.
6. Ballbar Testing Benefits Low-Volume Manufacturing
Source: Autodesk Inc.
Thanks to ballbar testing with a Renishaw QC20-W, the Autodesk Technology Centers now have more confidence in their machine tools.
4. Cutting Part Programming Times Through AI
CAM Assist cuts repetition from part programming — early users say it cuts tribal knowledge and could be a useful tool for training new programmers.
2. 4 Ways to Establish Machine Accuracy
Understanding all the things that contribute to a machine’s full potential accuracy will inform what to prioritize when fine-tuning the machine.