Milltronics USA, Inc.

Correct Tool Selection Maximizes Productivity

According to cutting tool manufacturer Iscar, profitability from machining a part depends on the machine type, cutting tool, cutting conditions and the interaction between them.


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According to cutting tool manufacturer Iscar, profitability from machining a part depends on the machine type, cutting tool, cutting conditions and the interaction between them. ITA (Iscar Tool Advisor) is user-friendly, web-based tool selection software that is constructed upon a unique mathematical algorithm. According to the company, the tool advisor bases tool selection on scientific, objective and empirical technical data to maximize productivity.
The software is said to provide an effective process for narrowing down all possible tooling scenarios, taking into account cutting conditions, machine power, metal removal rate and cutting time.
Users can enter two to six mandatory fields for quick results or complete more-detailed fields that specify machine parameters, tool diameters, tool types, grades and other information. The application can provide the three best tooling options or display as many as 25 tool recommendations per application search. Results include tool details, insert details, cutting conditions, power, metal removal rate and cutting time. Each search has a printable recommendation report.
The software supports inch and metric platforms as well as 25 different languages. Users can link to the company’s electronic catalogue, 2D and 3D tool drawings, product videos and pictures. The software can send users a pdf file via e-mail that includes the input and output for each application search.
The free software is available on the company’s website 24 hours a day, seven days a week with a direct connection to a support team. The application can also be uploaded for use on any iPhone or iPod Touch. 
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