SmartCAM Software Update Increases User Efficiency
SmartCAM v2025’s user interface and display features are said to improve the programmer’s efficiency and accuracy in the CNC program development process.
SmartCAM’s v2025 software release is designed to improve and enhance the development of tailored CNC programs. The user interface and display features are said to improve the programmer’s efficiency and accuracy in the CNC program development process.
The software features regenerative CTK containers. Certain panel features, when created with containers enabled, will create containers that can be regenerated; similar to the regenerative process containers. When using these features, users can modify and recall these containers. The features panel will open with the previous settings populated. Users can then modify the parameters and recreate the geometry.
The Special Event Op enables users to insert special coding events into the tool path without triggering a tool change event when coding. This event enables the user to select a specific event from a selection list to use as a trigger within the supporting code generator. These include user labels historically only viewable via code generator.
A new icon has been added to View toolbar which enables users to quickly toggle surface transparency on and off. This provides an easy method of toggling the transparency setting in display modes.
When using the License Manager to generate a new license key request form, the License Manager now checks to see if the user is already using a Cloud Licensing (CLM) or Network Licensing (NLM) client license.
SmartCAM v2025 features new and updated macros, including a new CTK_RECALL_CONTAINER which helps users experiment with automation settings. Additional macros can assist in pulling information on the fly.
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